Our Mission

A statement of values and visions

Our Community is Our Treasure
The Story Behind the Fundraising...

To EMBODY a living art form and share its beauty through performance and teaching.


To ENCOURAGE the formation of mutually beneficial community networks that foster education and awareness.


To EMPOWER local organizations invested in womens' interests through fundraising and advocacy.


To EXPRESS healthy living in body, mind, and spirit and to cultivate a learning environment that is positive, supportive, and safe.


To EDUCATE others on the diverse traditions and cultural richness of Middle Eastern dance.


“Local Bar Celebrates ‘Haflaween’ with Belly Dancing”

“Beyond the Belly... Hips, Hands Also Have Part in the Dance”

We surpassed our $1000 goal at our Haflaween show for Sister to Sister in 2010...

Another $150 to the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in 2010...

We raised $1100 for the Dwelling Place at Arabian Lights in 2009.